Thursday, April 3, 2008

What to play next?

So I switched to Alliance to get a fresh start with my WoW. I've been playing horde all this time, and I think I need a change. I've been leveling my Draeni Shaman, Ruadia. She's a lot of fun and already at level 33. But I'm intrigued by the Priest class. So today I made my Human Priest, Svyatoslav.

I've been playing WoW for a few years now.  After playing the game for so long you start asking your self why do I play?  Well maybe not as much of that, but how do I keep fun and excitement in my game after doing so much of the game already.  So I think that is why I am drawn to playing some of the classes that I used to totally avoid before.  Healing, playing in groups a lot, not dealing a lot of damage?  All of these were a big no-no for me in the past.  Being a warlock allowed me to solo most of the quests, and just be in the groups when I really needed to be there, and still be just an DPS, no decisions or responsibilities on my shoulders.

Playing a healing class, or a hybrid class is more of a challenge for me, since it will be a totally different play style.  So that is the fun and excitement to learn how to play something completely different.  I guess also to learn how to be more social in the game and group more often.  And grouping is an art in itself!
