Wednesday, August 27, 2008
AOE Paladin at level 30
My paladin, which is right now my favorite alt, recently hit 30. Besides getting my cool free mount, I've also decided to give AOE grinding a try. Up to level 30 I was leveling as Retribution. Having some nice gear from Shadowfang keep, which I ran with my level 70 friend, was decently fun. But, I was really curious about AOE after I hit level 30.
My previous AOE experience was not very pleasant. It was with my mage, around levels 26-28 and of course it involved frost. I hated it. My mage was so fragile, and I started to hate frost in general. So I was very skeptical of paladin AOE grinding.
In addition, most of websites I've read will recommend that you don't start at least 35 when you got 5 points into reckoning. Many others tell you to wait until 40. Well, following some advice on, I respecked into it at 30, attached a basic shield spike to my SFK blue shield, and pulled my one hander sword (also from SFK). I have to say, i've never had so much fun! I can also survive better now, which of course is the whole point of protection.
I began grinding in the . This place in general is very annoying since there are numerous random mobs clustered around all roads, so when you run around you always pull a hyena, a tiger and something else. I could easily handle two or three mobs of the same level. A bit more mobs I would sometimes had to chug a potion or bubble heal and then continue. However, it was still a lot of fun, and very effective.
Now at level 32, i have a little more experience, a couple points into reckoning, and also a new weapon that has a fast speed on it. The faster the weapon, the better since you then get more healing pocs. I can also handle any single mob without even flinching. Where before, as a retribution pally i would finish the fight quickly but had to heal a bit, now the fight takes a bit more time, but i finish with full mana and health. I'd compare this build to my priest when i was leveling discipline, and would finish every fight with full mana and health.
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