Friday, May 23, 2008
Popular and unpopular races in WoW
I was looking over the statistics on and I noticed how some races are more popular then others. Just recently I've decided to level a new horde priest, and I've picked Troll as the race of my new priest. Well trolls is one of the realy underplayed races. It seems that the races that people neglect to play are the Trolls, Orcs, Draeni, and dwarves. The Horde side is also more balanced then the alliance. On the alliance majority of players are either human or nigh elf.
This made me think of the saying how people usually pick the pretty races to play with more then the ugly ones. And if you think it through, the underplayed races are not the best looking in the game.
I am actually glad that I picked troll as my character. A new experience, and a unique character to level with. They may not be the best looking toons around, but the capoeira dance just gets me. Plus I think it's important to not be like everyone else right?
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