Thursday, May 29, 2008
Success in WoW - why keep playing
I've once heard a quote that said - Success is gradual progress towards a worthy ideal, or goal. In World of Warcraft, when you level you character, you leveling is that measured gradual progress to a goal. The goal can be the next level, level 58 to go hit Outland, or even level 70. Either way with every quest and every Mob you are progressing. Once you hit level 70, that stops, at least for now. So what measures your success now?
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
You know You play too much WoW when... p2
Ok, so here is another one:
You know you play to much WoW when you tell you're friend while he's driving that you have to go Bio. Thank God he aslo plays WoW and undestands what you mean. :0
Kara cleared - first time for me!
Last night I played with my new guild and we cleared almost the entire Karazhan, including NightBane, but excluding the Netherspite and I've got my Helm of the Falen Champion and 20 Badges of justice. Although I've ran the top portion of this raid before, this was my first full one. Pictures to come.
Kara was fun. I think what also made it fun was a great group. My new guild is very cool.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Popular and unpopular races in WoW
I was looking over the statistics on and I noticed how some races are more popular then others. Just recently I've decided to level a new horde priest, and I've picked Troll as the race of my new priest. Well trolls is one of the realy underplayed races. It seems that the races that people neglect to play are the Trolls, Orcs, Draeni, and dwarves. The Horde side is also more balanced then the alliance. On the alliance majority of players are either human or nigh elf.
This made me think of the saying how people usually pick the pretty races to play with more then the ugly ones. And if you think it through, the underplayed races are not the best looking in the game.
I am actually glad that I picked troll as my character. A new experience, and a unique character to level with. They may not be the best looking toons around, but the capoeira dance just gets me. Plus I think it's important to not be like everyone else right?
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Priests are not the only healers.
I've been playing WoW for quite some time now. But only recently have I joined the "club" of endgame play. Since now I have a level 70 character I began to "re-learn" the game. It seems that when it comes to traditional roles in this game most of the characters level their toon based on a specific spec or two that allowes for the fastest leveling. This could be most damage or the most resource efficient way to level. However, that all changes once you get to 70 because now characters begin to specialize.
I will reveal my ignorance and will say that for quite some time I though that Priests are the best healers in the game. The other healers had their ability as a nice-to-have. So I never thought of druids, shamans or paladins as "healers". I begin to see my error. Running some of the level 70 dungeons I begin to see the awsome healing powers of the healing specked Druids and Shamans and even Paladins. In fact, I have seen some encounters where Shamans or Druids performed better then Priests. Once again, this was due to my ignorance, but I believe that that ignorance is widespread.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
What are some of your favorite WoW zones?
The the "world" in World of Warcraft is really that - it's a world. The game is huge as far as the territories and places it contains. With the addition of Outland and also the new Blood elf island it keeps getting bigger. So what is you favorite zone? What's the least favorite one?
When I just started to play WoW i used to love running around exploring new zone once I got to that level. Since most of this was done pre-mount it took a long time, and was one of the reasons it took me forever to level my first toon to 70. It was just so cool and interesting. I do less of it now, since it's all about leveling quickly and efficiently. Still, there are zones I like more and others that I like less.
Besides the different theme, each zone very often also has it's own theme music and it's own unique feel. One of my favorite zones in Outland, for example, is the Zangarmarsh. I love the colors, the theme, and the music it has. It's very calm and tranquil.
One of the zones that I enjoy looking at, but hate playing in is Ashenvale. Main reason being that is so hard to get around. You look at the map and it seems easy to get from point A to point B. But then you find out that there are all of these terrain obstacles and you got to go around. And usually by running around in that manner you run into tons and tons of Mobs, usually beasts. I get very frustrated in that zone.
What's your experience like?
I've updated commenting options, please comment
I did not realize that in order to comment on my site you had to register. I've seen that on another site and it is not comfortable to use. I've changed options. It is easier to comment, so please do! :)
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Basic PVP Gear Set at level 70
There was a really cool change in the 2.4 Patch that totally went over my head until about last week. Since it is becoming harder and harder for newly minted level 70 to compete with people who went through three seasons of Arena, something had to be done.
Blizzard made some basic PVP gear set available for purchase from the Outland faction vendors. So, all that grinding for Thrallmar or Cenarion Expedition you have done can now pay off. You have to be honored with the faction, which is the same reputation you need to buy a heroic key. The cost of each piece is also quite minor, on average 10 gold for each piece. At level 70 that's a few daily quests that can be done in 20 mins. There is a set for every class.