Sunday, September 14, 2008

My paladin is over 40

[caption id="attachment_72" align="alignnone" width="364" caption="My Pally at 41"]My Pally at 41[/caption]

My paladin is over 40.  I've been having a lot of fun gridning 2 to 3 mobs at a time in the Stranglehorn Valey.  Paley AOE is a lot of fun.  Now that I've got the Holy Shield and a new shield with a mithril spike on it, this will be even more fun.  Mobs drop like stones.  :)

I've been actually realy enjoing playing with my pally.  I think I will try to get him to 70 before expancion comes out.   Get's me invovled while we are all waiting for wrath to comes out.

The new patch 3.0 will come out soon, and i'd like to see how it will change my gameplay since it will have a lot of changes to pallies.

Now my goal is to outfit him with plate.  It seems that at level 40 many other paladings and warriors rush into the AH to get their plate, only to find out prices in the 20 and 30 gold range for basic plate green.  Just got to watch out for bargains and snatch them up.