Sunday, July 20, 2008

Windows is dead - WoW on Linux

Well, my windows died on me, again!  I think it has something to do with the NFTS system.  When i try to access the windows partition under Linux the C: drive can't be read, and Linux says it is still "in use".

So since I don't really feel like reinstalling Windows XP, or buying the new Vista, I decided to go with Ubuntu 8 linux that I had installed on my machine earlier. My computer use is not that demanding as far as variety of things.  I play WoW and browse the Internet.  The net is easy on Linux.  How about WoW?

Well I'm happy to report that with the latest ubunty release (8) and the newest Wine emulator software WoW runs as well as it does under Windows.  So thus begins my biggest experiment of all - life without Windows!

If you are interested in running your WoW under Linux here is a great post on how to do it in Ubuntu (which is very easy to use once you learn where to pull a document or two from the net):

By the way, I did not install WoW under linux.  I simply copied the whole WoW folder from windows into linux, that's the easier way.  Just edit your config file in WTF folder to openGL and you're good to go!