Monday, March 16, 2009
My Pally is 70 and he's roaming in Nothrend
Well Elirias is 70 and happily continuing to level in Borean Tundra in Northrend. I've remained specked into the protection tree, after trying a retro/holy build. I still like taking a hole bunch of mobs down at the same time.
I've also leveled up my Blackminthing quickly to make the items for level 70 out of the new cobalt sets. They look pretty good and have some nice stamina, strength and defense stats, which are exactly what I'm looking for for my protection spec.
In addition, all the plate pieces I've been making as well as weapons from adamantine and cobalt have been selling quite well at a good premium at the AH. I guess death knights and other plate weathers keep buying them, which is great and will pay for the huge money sink blacksmithing was to get it to 300. It also helps that both adamantine and cobalt were all mined by Moramor and stored in the bank, so I did not have to buy them off the AH.
I've also try to tank by tanking the Utgrade Keep with a PUG group. That went a bit rocky because our healer was a druid, and even though he was healing specked, i don't belive he knew well how to heal. Specifically any burst damage was the end of me. I do have to say that it is quite a lot of work to tank, and I think at 80 I will try to heal instead.
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